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Mastering Cybersecurity: From Zero to Ethical Hacker

What you will learn:

  • Cybersecurity Fundamentals
  • Ethical Hacking Techniques
  • Phishing Attack Detection & Prevention
  • Malware Analysis and Creation (for educational purposes)
  • Network Security Attacks and Defenses
  • Password Cracking and Security
  • Wi-Fi Security and Penetration Testing (Ethical Hacking)
  • Online Anonymity and Privacy
  • Kali Linux and its tools
  • Setting up Secure Virtual Labs


Welcome to the comprehensive Mastering Cybersecurity course!

This course provides a foundational understanding of cybersecurity and ethical hacking, starting from absolute zero. You'll explore various cyber threats, including phishing and malware, and learn practical defensive and offensive techniques.

Learn about ethical hacking methods such as Trojans, keyloggers, denial-of-service (DoS) attacks, man-in-the-middle (MITM) attacks, and Wi-Fi hacking. We'll cover essential concepts like network anonymity and safe internet practices.

This course delves into the powerful Kali Linux operating system, designed specifically for cybersecurity and penetration testing. You will learn to install, configure, and utilize its tools to perform ethical hacking techniques and execute simulated penetration tests. We will cover how to detect and prevent attacks such as phishing and malware, along with using cracking tools to test the security of Wi-Fi networks (for educational purposes only). Furthermore, we'll discuss techniques for online anonymity, including the use of Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) and the Tor network.

This hands-on course will teach you how to defend against real-world attacks and protect your data. You will learn to identify vulnerabilities and implement effective security measures, building a solid foundation in cybersecurity.

Course Outline:

  • Introduction to Cybersecurity Fundamentals
  • Setting up Your Secure Virtual Lab Environment
  • Essential Programming Tools Setup
  • Core Cybersecurity Concepts Explained
  • Understanding and Defending Against Phishing Attacks
  • Malware Analysis and Mitigation
  • Network Security Attacks and Defenses
  • Password Cracking Techniques & Ethical Considerations
  • Wi-Fi Security and Penetration Testing (Ethical Hacking)
  • Implementing Robust Security Measures
  • Mastering Online Anonymity and Privacy

Disclaimer: The information in this course is for educational purposes only. Any misuse of this knowledge is solely the responsibility of the individual. This course focuses on understanding the techniques used by cybercriminals and how to defend against them.



This introductory section lays the groundwork for the course, providing a comprehensive overview of cybersecurity concepts and setting the stage for the practical exercises that follow. The introductory lecture provides an outline of the course and its objectives.

Setting Up Your Secure Virtual Lab Environment

This section focuses on setting up the necessary tools for the course, beginning with installing VirtualBox, a virtual machine software. It then progresses to installing Kali Linux, a penetration testing distribution, and familiarizing students with essential Linux commands. Students will also install a vulnerable virtual machine (Metasploitable2) to practice ethical hacking techniques. The section concludes by highlighting common errors and troubleshooting steps.

Essential Programming Tools Setup

This section guides students through the installation of Python 3 and Visual Studio Code, crucial programming tools used in the course for creating and analyzing code related to cybersecurity.

Core Cybersecurity Concepts Explained

Here, students will learn foundational cybersecurity terms, including understanding IP addresses and MAC addresses. This lecture provides a vital base for understanding the more advanced topics covered later in the course.

Understanding and Defending Against Phishing Attacks

This comprehensive section delves into the world of phishing, covering social engineering techniques, the different types of phishing attacks and various phishing tools such as PyPhisher, SETOOLKIT, SocialPhish, Zphisher, and LPhisher. Students will learn how to create and detect phishing attacks. Also, the section will cover techniques on how to shorten and obfuscate phishing links and finally how to defend against these attacks, including the use of tools like BeeF.

Malware Analysis and Mitigation

This section explores the world of malware, including Trojans and Keyloggers. It guides students through the creation of Trojans and Keyloggers using different programming languages such as Python and Java, demonstrating how these malicious programs function. The section also includes reverse shell techniques and demonstrates methods for extracting information from infected machines and techniques on how to transfer files between compromised machines and other network security implications of malware and how to detect it. This section further enhances students’ understanding of malware by showing how it can be disguised within seemingly harmless documents like Word files.

Antivirus - What They Are and How They Work

This section offers insight into the functioning of antivirus software, explaining their techniques for detecting malware and discussing effective defense strategies. It also shows how to detect WAF's.

Network Security Attacks and Defenses

Here, students learn about various network attacks, including denial-of-service (DoS) attacks, ARP poisoning, and man-in-the-middle (MITM) attacks. Practical demonstrations on performing DoS attacks with tools like golang-httpflood are included. The section also covers using Netcat for creating bind and reverse shells, and techniques for gaining access to systems. Students learn how to implement security measures to mitigate these attacks and techniques to gain control over other systems.

Password Cracking Techniques & Ethical Considerations

This section introduces students to password cracking techniques, focusing on ethical hacking and responsible use of the knowledge. Students will learn how to use tools like John the Ripper and Hydra for cracking passwords, and techniques for creating robust and secure passwords.

Wi-Fi Security and Penetration Testing (Ethical Hacking)

This section covers techniques related to Wi-Fi security and ethical penetration testing. Students will learn how to put a network interface card into monitor mode, change MAC addresses, capture a handshake, and crack WPA/WPA2 using aircrack-ng, allowing for hands-on practice within a secure virtual environment.

Implementing Robust Security Measures

This section emphasizes practical security measures, including the use of firewalls, creating strong passwords, and safe internet browsing habits.

Mastering Online Anonymity and Privacy

The final section focuses on maintaining online anonymity and privacy, including techniques such as using VPNs and the Tor network.

Bonus Extra

This bonus section offers additional material to further enhance students' understanding of cybersecurity.

Deal Source: real.discount