Easy Learning with Hacking Ético - Virus, Troyanos, Spywares, Malware
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Master Ethical Hacking: Malware, Trojans, Spyware & Cybersecurity

What you will learn:

  • Learn to defend against cybercriminal attacks
  • Learn to monitor and control devices using malware, keyloggers, and trojans
  • Learn to create malicious APKs and infect and control mobile phones
  • Learn to extract information from a PC infected with trojans
  • Learn to install operating systems
  • Learn to create a keylogger in Python
  • Learn to attack any device around the world
  • Create trojans and infect devices
  • Master Ethical Hacking and Cybersecurity best practices
  • Understand Antivirus Evasion Techniques


Welcome to the Master Ethical Hacking course! This comprehensive program is designed for cybersecurity enthusiasts and aspiring ethical hackers seeking to understand and defend against malware threats.

Delve into the world of ethical hacking, learning how malicious actors create and deploy malware, trojans, and spyware. We'll explore the techniques used to compromise computer systems and mobile devices and equip you with the knowledge to identify and mitigate these risks.

You'll gain hands-on experience using Kali Linux and Termux to simulate real-world attacks and learn penetration testing methodologies. This course is ideal for beginners and those seeking to enhance their skills. Discover how to detect, prevent, and respond to cyber threats while strengthening your understanding of cybersecurity best practices.

Curriculum Highlights:

  1. Introduction to Ethical Hacking & Cybersecurity
  2. Setting up your Hacking Environment with Kali Linux and VirtualBox: Learn to set up virtual machines, install Kali Linux and utilize essential Linux commands.
  3. Ethical Hacking: Trojan Development for Windows: Develop, deploy and analyze trojans for Windows systems, learning how to bypass security measures.
  4. Ethical Hacking: Android Trojan Development: Master the creation of malicious Android apps (APKs) and learn how to compromise Android devices.
  5. Ethical Hacking: Trojan Development in Python and Go: Build trojans using versatile programming languages for both Windows and Linux systems.
  6. Ethical Hacking with Termux on Android: Leverage Termux to perform ethical hacking tasks from your Android device.
  7. Remote Device Hacking Techniques: Learn remote access methodologies, and understand the security implications.
  8. Antivirus Evasion Techniques: Understand how malware evades detection and explore techniques for creating undetectable malware (for educational purposes only).
  9. Strengthening Cybersecurity Defenses: Implement proactive measures to protect yourself and your systems against cyber threats.

Disclaimer: All techniques and tools learned in this course are for educational and ethical hacking purposes only. Any misuse is the sole responsibility of the user.

Join Thiago Araujo and embark on your ethical hacking journey today!



This introductory section provides a foundational overview of ethical hacking and cybersecurity concepts. The "Introduction" lecture sets the stage for the entire course, establishing the core principles and objectives.

Setting up your Hacking Environment with Kali Linux and VirtualBox

This section guides students through the installation and configuration of VirtualBox and Kali Linux. Lectures cover installation procedures, essential Linux commands, and troubleshooting common errors, empowering students to establish a secure and functional hacking environment. Lectures include: "Instalación de Virtual Box", "Instalación de Kali Linux", "Comandos básicos de Linux", and "Errores Frecuentes".

Ethical Hacking: Trojan Development for Windows

This section delves into the creation and deployment of trojans targeting Windows systems. Students learn about various trojan types, techniques for gaining access, extracting information, and even performing attacks across geographical boundaries. The section also covers creating trojans using Java, camouflaging them within executables or multimedia files, building keyloggers, and creating a reverse shell GUI. Lectures cover topics such as: "¿Qué es un Troyano y que tipos existen?", "Creando un Troyano", "Obteniendo acceso", "Sacando Información del PC", "Atacar un PC alrededor del mundo", "Creando un Troyano en Java", "Camuflar un Troyano en un EXE", "Ocultar un Troyano o Keylogger en una Imagen o Video", "¿Qué son los Keyloggers?", "Creando un Keylogger", "Prueba del Keylogger", "Reverse Shell(Backdoor) GUI en Windows", and "Hackeando PC con un COMANDO".

Ethical Hacking: Android Trojan Development

This section focuses on creating malicious Android applications (APKs). Students learn to gain access to compromised devices, extract sensitive information, and transfer files. Lectures include: "Instalación de BlueStacks", "Creando APK maliciosa", "Ganando acceso al dispositivo", and "Sacando Información de nuestra victima", "Como pasar Archivos de un dispositivo a otro".

Ethical Hacking: Trojan Development in Python and Go

This section teaches students to develop trojans using Python and Go programming languages for both Windows and Linux operating systems. Lectures include: "Instalacion de Python", "Troyano para Windows - Hacking Windows", and "Troyano para Linux - Hacking Linux", "Hacking Etico - Troyano en GO (Golang)".

Ethical Hacking with Termux on Android

This section covers using Termux, a Linux environment for Android, to perform ethical hacking tasks. Students learn to install dependencies, use basic Linux commands, and perform hacking tasks on Windows and Linux machines remotely. Lectures include: "Instalando Termux en Android", "Instalando dependencias en Termux", "Comandos básicos de Linux en Termux", "Descargando NETCAT en Termux y PC", "Hacking a Maquina Windows desde el dispositivo Android - Termux", "Hacking a Maquina Windows con Powershell - Termux", "Obteniendo acceso a la Maquina Linux desde el dispositivo Android - Termux", and "Hacking a un Windows con un Troyano en GO (golang) desde Termux".

Remote Device Hacking Techniques

This section explores techniques for remotely accessing and compromising mobile devices, focusing on Android devices. The lecture: "Hackeando un Celular/ Telefono/ Movil / Dispositivo Android remotamente" covers this topic in detail.

Antivirus Evasion Techniques

This section explores methods used by malware to evade antivirus detection. Students will learn to create undetectable trojans (for educational purposes only). Lectures include: "Troyano dentro de un archivo de Word", "Instalación de Veil Evasion - Troyanos Indetectables", "Creando un Troyano Indetectable con Veil", and "Obteniendo acceso con el Troyano Indetectable".

Antivirus - What They Are and How They Work

This section provides insights into how antivirus software functions and the techniques it employs to detect and mitigate malware. Lectures include: "¿Que es un Antivirus?" and "Técnicas Utilizadas por los Antivirus para Detectar Malware".

Strengthening Cybersecurity Defenses

This section offers valuable advice on protecting yourself and your systems from malware attacks. The lecture "Como protegerte del Malware - Consejos" provides practical recommendations.

Bonus Extra

This bonus section offers additional content.

Deal Source: real.discount