Master Kotlin Programming: A Beginner-Friendly Arabic Guide
What you will learn:
- Kotlin programming fundamentals
- Object-oriented programming in Kotlin
- Data structures and algorithms
- Working with databases (MySQL)
- Basic Android development
- Functional programming concepts
- Exception handling
- Higher-order functions and lambdas
- Problem-solving techniques
- Building practical Kotlin applications
Dive into the world of Kotlin programming with this comprehensive Arabic course designed for absolute beginners. No prior programming experience is required. We'll guide you through the fundamentals of programming and Kotlin's core concepts in a clear, structured manner, avoiding unnecessary complexities.
This course is meticulously crafted to take you from zero to a solid understanding of Kotlin's capabilities. Learn at your own pace with detailed explanations, practical examples, and engaging projects. From basic syntax and data types to advanced topics like object-oriented programming and working with databases, this course covers everything you need to build a strong foundation in Kotlin.
Kotlin is a modern, versatile programming language used extensively in various fields, including Android development, server-side development, data science, and more. This course helps you unlock the immense potential of Kotlin for your career goals. Gain in-demand skills that open doors to exciting opportunities in the tech industry.
The course features numerous practical applications, allowing you to solidify your understanding of learned concepts. You'll build real-world projects that will boost your confidence and portfolio, showcasing your newfound Kotlin expertise. This is more than just a theoretical course—it's a hands-on journey to mastering Kotlin programming.
Enroll now and embark on a rewarding journey into the world of Kotlin programming. Learn at your own pace, engage with a supportive community, and become a proficient Kotlin developer.
This introductory section sets the stage for your Kotlin journey. Learn about the course, the basics of programming, what Kotlin is, and how to set up your development environment. You'll also find important information about course policies, instructor details, course evaluation guidelines, and how to obtain your certificate upon completion. Lectures cover: Introduction to the course, What is programming, Why learn programming, What is Kotlin, Setting up your development environment, Course usage policy, Instructor introduction, Important information about course evaluation, and Obtaining a course certificate.
Kotlin Basics
Master the fundamentals of Kotlin in this section. You'll cover essential concepts such as variables (var, val), data types (Int, Char, Double, String, Boolean), comments, type casting, null safety, input/output, basic operators (mathematical, logical), control structures (if, when, loops), and exception handling (try-catch). This section also includes practical application exercises to reinforce your learning. Lectures cover: Print, Println, Var, Val, Int, Char, Double; String, Boolean; Comments; Type Casting; Null Safety; Input; App 1: Get My Age; If Statements; When; Mathematical Operations; Order of Operations; Logical Operations; String Functions; App 2: Degree; App 2: Degree Part 2, while; Nested While and Do-While Loops; For Loop; Control Statements; Exception (Try-Catch) 1
Array and Collection
Learn to efficiently manage data using arrays and collections. This section covers array manipulation, using for loops with arrays, array functions, array lists, array list functions, forEach loops, and collection basics. Lectures cover: Array; Use For in Array; Array Functions; Array List; Array List Functions; For Each; Collections Part 1; Collections Part 2.
Explore the power of functions in Kotlin. Topics include function declaration, function parameters, passing arrays to functions, recursion, built-in functions, and advanced exception handling. Lectures cover: Function Part 1; Function Part 2; Passing Array Through Function; Recursion; Built-in Functions; Exception (Try-Catch) 2.
Higher Order Function and Lambda
Dive into advanced Kotlin concepts with higher-order functions and lambda expressions. Learn how to use them effectively and combine them with arrays. Lectures cover: Lambda Expression; Higher Order Function 1; Higher Order Function 2; Higher Order Function 3; HOF and Lambda with Array.
Object Oriented Programming
This section delves into object-oriented programming principles in Kotlin. Learn about classes, objects, attributes, actions, constructors, overloading, inheritance, access modifiers, packages, imports, polymorphism, abstract classes, interfaces, exception handling, multi-threading, enum classes, generic classes, and more. Lectures cover: Object, Attributes and Actions; Class Part 1; Class Part 2; Constructor; Overload; Inheritance; Super; Super and Constructor; Override; Access Modifier; Package and Import; Exception (Try-Catch) 3; Exception (Try-Catch) 4; Polymorphism 1; Polymorphism 2; Abstract, Interface; Multi Inheritance; Object, Companion Object; Anonymous Class; Anonymous Class Part 2; Object Type Casting; Nested Class; Multi Threading; Multi Threading Part 2; Enum Class; Enum Class Part 2; Generic Class.
Kotlin with MySql
Integrate Kotlin with MySQL databases. This section covers setting up your environment, database connection, result sets, displaying data, and performing CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations. Lectures cover: Setup Environment; Connect to Database; Result Set; Display All Rows; Update & Insert & Delete Row; Result Set Meta Data.
Introduction to Android Studio
Get started with Android development using Android Studio. This introductory section helps you understand the Android Studio environment and shows you how to build your first Android app. Lectures cover: Getting to know the environment, building your first app; App programming.
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