Easy Learning with Hacking Etico a Redes WiFi
IT & Software > Network & Security
3.5 h
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Master Ethical Hacking & WiFi Network Security

What you will learn:

  • Defend against cybercriminal attacks
  • Perform Wi-Fi network security audits
  • Execute and defend against MITM attacks
  • Execute and defend against DoS attacks
  • Execute and defend against phishing attacks
  • Install VirtualBox and Kali Linux
  • Understand MAC and IP addresses
  • Utilize monitor mode
  • Perform network scans with Nmap for penetration testing
  • Secure against Bind and Reverse Shell attacks


Welcome to the Masterclass in Ethical Hacking and WiFi Network Security!

This comprehensive course is designed for individuals eager to delve into the world of ethical hacking and secure their wireless networks. You'll gain hands-on experience with Kali Linux, a powerful Linux distribution favored by cybersecurity professionals for penetration testing. Learn to identify and exploit vulnerabilities in operating systems, applications, and networks, all within a safe and ethical learning environment.

Master crucial ethical hacking techniques, including phishing to understand how attackers obtain sensitive data like passwords and credentials. Explore techniques to secure your systems against attacks on Windows, and understand vulnerabilities within the operating system. We will cover how to execute and defend against Denial of Service (DoS) attacks, which disrupt network access, and Man-in-the-Middle (MITM) attacks, where attackers intercept communications to steal sensitive information.

This course offers in-depth training on cracking and securing WiFi networks, teaching you to decipher wireless network passwords and implement robust defenses against external threats. You'll become proficient in using Nmap, a crucial tool for network scanning and service detection used in ethical hacking for comprehensive network analysis.

Through practical exercises on vulnerable systems, you will put your knowledge into action, solidifying your understanding and building real-world skills. Learn about Bind and Reverse Shell attacks, including how to secure against these techniques. The course also includes a comprehensive section on phishing attacks, covering various techniques and strategies employed by attackers, as well as best practices for prevention.

By the end of this course, you'll be equipped to safeguard your networks and systems from a wide range of threats, developing the skills needed to protect yourself and others. This course emphasizes learning how attacks work so you can effectively defend against them.

Learn how attackers operate, so you can build impenetrable defenses.

Your instructor: Thiago Araujo

Disclaimer: I am not responsible for any misuse of the knowledge gained in this course.

Course Structure:

  1. Introduction
  2. Setting up Your Hacking Environment
  3. Fundamental Network Concepts
  4. Network Intrusion Detection & Mitigation
  5. WPA/WPA2 Cracking Techniques
  6. Password Cracking Strategies
  7. MITM Attacks: Understanding and Defense
  8. DoS Attacks: Methods and Countermeasures
  9. Bind and Reverse Shell Techniques
  10. Advanced Attack Vectors and Prevention



This introductory section provides a brief overview of ethical hacking and the course curriculum. It sets the stage for the practical hands-on learning to follow.

Setting up Your Hacking Environment

This section covers the essential setup steps, including installing VirtualBox, Kali Linux, and Metasploitable2. It also teaches fundamental Linux commands and how to put your network interface card into monitor mode, along with troubleshooting common errors.

Fundamental Network Concepts

Learn the basics of IP and MAC addresses. Understanding these foundational concepts is crucial for effective network analysis and penetration testing.

Network Intrusion Detection & Mitigation

This section focuses on identifying and blocking network intruders. You will learn to use Nmap, Netdiscover, and Fing for host discovery, and techniques for blocking devices from network access.

WPA/WPA2 Cracking Techniques

Learn how to crack WPA/WPA2 encrypted Wi-Fi networks. This section covers changing MAC addresses, capturing handshakes using DeAuth attacks, creating wordlists with Cupp and Crunch, and using aircrack-ng to crack the passwords.

Password Cracking Strategies

Explore various password cracking techniques using Hydra, covering brute-force attacks against FTP, SSH, and Gmail accounts. Learn the ethical implications and best practices related to password security.

MITM Attacks: Understanding and Defense

Understand the ARP protocol and the mechanics of ARP poisoning. Learn how to perform a MITM attack using ARP poisoning and how to protect yourself from this type of attack.

DoS Attacks: Methods and Countermeasures

Learn how to perform a denial of service attack and understand the techniques used. Discover ways to defend against DoS attacks.

Bind and Reverse Shell Techniques

This section delves into the use of Netcat to establish bind and reverse shells, also focusing on uploading web shells using PHP and gaining access to a system. It also covers techniques for hacking into Windows 10 using Powershell and other commands.

Advanced Attack Vectors and Prevention

This section covers phishing attacks, demonstrating various phishing techniques using tools like PyPhisher, SocialPhish, Zphisher, and LPhisher. It also provides crucial guidance on how to protect yourself from phishing scams.

Bonus Extra

An additional lesson covering supplementary information related to ethical hacking and network security.

Deal Source: real.discount