Launch Your Java Developer Career: From Zero to Job-Ready in One Course
What you will learn:
- Java Fundamentals
- Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
- Data Structures and Algorithms
- Java Collections Framework
- Functional Programming in Java
- Exception Handling
- Multithreading
- SQL and Relational Databases
- Spring Framework (Core, MVC, Security, Data JPA, JDBC, AOP, Boot)
- RESTful APIs
- Web Development (Servlets, JSP, JSTL, HTML, CSS)
- Testing (JUnit, Mockito, TDD, BDD)
- Design Patterns (GoF)
- Clean Code Principles
- Git Version Control
- Software Development Methodologies (Agile, Scrum)
- OWASP Top 10 Vulnerabilities
- Secure Coding Practices
- Java Logging
- OpenAI API Integration
- ChatGPT Integration
- Jira and Slack Integration
- UML Modeling
- Code Review Techniques
- Software Development Metrics and KPIs
Join our comprehensive course and transform your career! This intensive Java programming bootcamp takes you from absolute beginner to job-ready developer, equipping you with the skills sought after by top tech companies. Unlike other outdated courses, this curriculum focuses on the latest Java technologies and real-world application development.
We provide a structured learning path, guiding you step-by-step through Java fundamentals, object-oriented programming (OOP), essential frameworks like Spring Boot, and crucial database technologies. Our expert instructor, a seasoned IT consultant, shares practical insights gained from years of industry experience. Learn through 2000+ examples and coding exercises designed to prepare you for the rigors of real-world development.
What sets us apart?
• Practical, Up-to-Date Content: We cover in-demand technologies, not obsolete ones. Our curriculum aligns directly with the skills employers want.
• Comprehensive Curriculum: From Java basics to Spring Boot, databases, testing, and web development, everything is covered thoroughly.
• Hands-on Learning: 30+ coding exercises, along with solutions and example code, provide ample practice.
• Job Interview Preparation: We'll prepare you to ace technical interviews with dedicated practice tests and feedback.
• Expert Instructor: Learn from a renowned consultant with 10+ years of experience in top IT companies.
• Dedicated Support: Q&A sessions are available to assist you throughout the course.
• Free Mobile App: Practice Java anytime, anywhere, with unlimited attempts at certification challenges.
• Ongoing Updates: Get free access to all course updates as we continue to enhance the content.
Don't just learn Java; build a career with it. Enroll today!
This introductory section sets the stage for your Java journey. You'll explore the course structure, learn the advantages of Java and this specific course, discover tips for optimizing your learning experience, and gain access to the supporting 'Learn IT' mobile application and additional free learning resources. Lectures cover the reasoning behind choosing Java, the course roadmap, effective study techniques, and details about using the companion mobile app and extra materials for further study.
Java Basics
Begin your core Java programming foundation by covering the latest Java version, setting up your JDK, building your first 'Hello World' app in both .bat and .sh environments, and exploring the Eclipse IDE. This foundational section reinforces learning through hands-on exercises and quizzes on core Java fundamentals.
Primitive Data Types, Variables, and Arrays
This section builds upon the basics, delving into primitive data types, variable declaration, and the practical application of arrays. This hands-on section is complemented by a quiz to test your comprehension and solidify the concepts introduced.
Eclipse: Tips and Tricks
This section showcases tips and tricks for utilizing the Eclipse IDE. Lectures explain efficient workflow techniques by exploring package management, plugin installations, and powerful code refactoring tools within Eclipse.
Operators and Operations with Primitive Types
Master Java operators and their applications with this section. The lectures cover integer and floating-point operations, the use of the `BigDecimal` type, the `Math` class, and the complexities of type expressions and the Java Memory Model. Hands-on exercises, including the creation of a simple calculator, and detailed homework reviews build practical skills.
Strings in Java
This section provides a thorough exploration of String manipulation in Java. You'll learn object creation, essential methods, comparison techniques, escape sequences, string formatting, regular expressions, and practical problem-solving through coding exercises.
Control Statements
This module introduces fundamental control flow mechanisms in Java, including `if-else` and `switch` statements, and challenges you to implement them in practice through various coding assignments. Homework reviews are included to solidify your understanding.
This brief section covers the generation of random numbers, a foundational aspect of many applications.
Iteration Statements (Loops) in Java
This section provides comprehensive coverage of loop structures in Java, including `while`, `do-while`, `for`, and enhanced `for` loops, along with jump statements and labels. Practice questions reinforce your understanding of loop control and efficiency.
Methods in Java
This section delves into Java methods, covering method creation, parameter passing mechanisms, recursion, variable-length arguments, and practical coding exercises, culminating in a comprehensive review of your homework.
Enumerations in Java
This section introduces the concept and practical use of enumerations in Java programming, improving code readability and maintainability.
Debugging Tools
Master effective debugging techniques for your Java programs. This section offers hands-on guidance on utilizing Java's debugging tools to effectively identify and resolve issues in your code.
Object-oriented programming
This foundational section covers the core principles of object-oriented programming (OOP), including classes, objects, inheritance, polymorphism, encapsulation, and the SOLID principles. The material prepares you for interview questions focused on these core OOP concepts.
PRACTICE: Coding exercises to practice SOLID principles
This practical section provides hands-on exercises designed to reinforce your understanding and application of SOLID principles in OOP.
===== OOP: Interview Preparation =====
This section prepares you for job interviews by providing a series of questions and answers related to Object-Oriented Programming concepts. Two parts are provided to cover a wide variety of relevant questions.
=== EXAM OOP & Object Oriented e-Commerce console applications ===
This section presents an exam and associated homework focused on the application of OOP principles to a real-world e-commerce scenario.
This section offers a comprehensive guide to Git version control, encompassing installation, basic configurations, branching strategies, pull/merge requests, handling merge conflicts, and collaboration workflows.
Excpetion Handling
Learn to effectively manage exceptions in your Java applications, crucial for robust software development. This section covers various exception handling techniques and best practices.
Java Collections Framework
Explore the Java Collections Framework, including Lists, Sets, Queues, and Maps, learning about their implementations, performance comparisons, and usage best practices through detailed theoretical explanations and coding exercises.
===== Java Collections Framework: Interview Preparation =====
Prepare for job interviews by reviewing questions and answers pertaining to the Java Collections Framework, emphasizing key concepts and efficient usage patterns.
Functional Programming in Java (including lambda functions & method references)
This section introduces functional programming concepts in Java, focusing on lambda functions, method references, and their application in code. The section uses practical exercises to solidify your understanding.
Stream API
This section introduces the Java Stream API, providing both theoretical explanation and hands-on exercises for efficient data processing.
===== Functional Programming in Java: Interview Preparation =====
This section provides focused interview preparation for functional programming in Java, covering key concepts and common interview questions.
Input and Output Streams in Java
This section explores input/output stream operations in Java, along with serialization and cloning. This section also covers practical application scenarios in coding problems.
===== I/O in Java: Interview Preparation =====
This section prepares you for job interviews by covering key concepts and common questions related to input/output operations in Java.
This section dives into the complexities of multithreading in Java, covering thread management, synchronization, deadlock prevention, and advanced techniques using Executor Services, Callable, and Future. The section culminates in a comprehensive homework assignment to solidify your understanding.
===== Multithreading in Java: Interview Preparation =====
This section prepares you for interviews by providing a focused review of common multithreading questions and answers.
Date and Time in JDK
Master the intricacies of date and time handling in Java by learning about different time standards, the `java.util` and `java.time` packages, and their practical applications.
Java Reflection API
This section explores the Java Reflection API, covering its capabilities and practical applications, including the use of annotations.
This section introduces various elements of the Java Development Kit (JDK) API, including StringBuilder, StringBuffer, Optional, and Reactive Programming concepts.
Java Platform Module System: Modules in Java & Migration of Java Apps
This section explores Java's modular system and guides you through the practical process of migrating existing Java applications to a modular structure.
Testing for Software Engineers
This section provides an overview of software testing principles and methodologies relevant to software engineering.
Unit Testing & JUnit 5
This section focuses on unit testing using JUnit 5, covering its features and practical applications through examples. Lectures introduce advanced techniques, such as test code coverage and the Hamcrest library.
Integration testing & Mockito
This section introduces integration testing, covering practical examples and usage of the Mockito framework for mocking and dependency injection in test scenarios.
This section teaches how to use PowerMockito, an extension of Mockito, for more complex testing scenarios.
This section explores test-driven development (TDD), behavior-driven development (BDD), and acceptance test-driven development (ATTD), providing both theoretical concepts and practical exercises.
Object-oriented Architecture, Clean Code Design (Advanced)
This section covers advanced object-oriented architectural design principles including coupling, cohesion, and applying design principles like KISS, YAGNI, and DRY. This section is complimented by code examples.
GoF Design Patterns of Software Architecture in OOP
This section provides a detailed overview of the Gang of Four (GoF) design patterns, categorizing them into Creational, Structural, and Behavioral patterns. This section includes explanations and practical examples.
===== Design Patterns: Interview Questions =====
This section is designed to prepare you for job interviews by providing practice questions and answers related to design patterns and object-oriented design principles.
I18N & L10N
This section covers Internationalization (I18N) and Localization (L10N) in software development, which deals with adapting software for various languages and cultures. This is explained both theoretically and practically.
===== Java Core: Interview Preparation =====
This comprehensive section provides numerous questions and answers to prepare you for Java core-related interview questions, ensuring you're ready for various interview scenarios.
== EXAM Java Standard Edition - Online Store - Task description and solution ==
This section presents an exam task and its solution, allowing you to apply your accumulated Java knowledge to a comprehensive e-commerce application.
Java: New Versions
Stay up-to-date with the latest Java versions. This section systematically covers significant features and improvements introduced across numerous Java versions, from Java 8 to the most current release, highlighting key changes and new functionalities in each iteration.
=== Final Tests/Questions for Java Standard Edition ===
This section provides two comprehensive final tests, each with 90 questions, to assess your complete understanding of the Java Standard Edition.
Databases: Overview and Environment Setup
This section gives an overview of SQL and relational databases, providing guidance on setting up MySQL and PostgreSQL environments, essential for effective database management.
Relational databases
Explore the core concepts of relational databases, including schema creation, table design with various data types and constraints, and the application of referential integrity for robust data management.
This section focuses on SQL, covering DDL (Data Definition Language) and DML (Data Manipulation Language) operations. Lectures also cover JOIN queries, UNION operations, and subqueries.
Relational Databases (Advanced)
This advanced section builds on your database knowledge, exploring views, triggers, stored procedures, and functions, essential for building complex and optimized database applications. This also includes a MySQL Workbench administration guide.
Databases: Database Modelling and Architecture
This section dives into database modeling and architecture, covering different model types (conceptual, logical, physical) and the principles of effective database design for efficiency and scalability.
===== SQL Homework: Online Shop =====
This section provides a detailed review of the SQL homework assignment focusing on creating an online shop database schema. It provides the task and a step by step solution review.
This section covers JDBC (Java Database Connectivity), providing a practical understanding of connecting Java applications to databases using Statement, PreparedStatement, and CallableStatement, along with transaction management and batch updates.
This section introduces the Data Access Object (DAO) design pattern, a key concept for separating data access logic from business logic, ensuring clean and maintainable application architecture.
===== JDBC, SQL & Databases: Interview Preparation =====
This section provides a structured overview of common interview questions and answers related to JDBC, SQL, and database technologies, enhancing your readiness for job interviews.
===== Exam: DAO, Database, JDBC, SQL ======
This section provides an exam task and a detailed review of its solution related to DAO, Database, JDBC, and SQL topics.
This foundational web development section provides an overview of network models (OSI, TCP/IP, HTTP), client-server architecture, and web servers.
===== WEB: Interview Preparation =====
This section includes questions and answers commonly asked in web development interviews, enabling you to effectively showcase your knowledge and skills.
Build Automation Tools Overview
This section provides an overview of various build automation tools, laying the foundation for efficient project management and compilation processes.
Apache Maven
This section covers the basics of Apache Maven, a powerful build automation tool for Java projects. Lectures include hands-on exercises and explanations of dependency management, project structures, and advanced configurations.
===== EXAM: Maven + Web Servers =====
This section showcases an exam problem and solution, designed to test your integration skills between Maven and web servers.
This section explores Servlets, a core component of Java web applications, demonstrating their creation, usage of the Servlet API, deployment with `web.xml`, and practical applications.
Web Filters
This section explains the role and functionality of web filters in Java web applications. The section provides both theoretical knowledge and practical code examples.
Session & Cookies
This section covers essential web concepts: sessions and cookies, explaining their roles and demonstrating their implementation in web applications.
Events Handling in Web Application
This section covers event handling within the context of Java web applications, providing practical approaches to managing user interactions.
This section provides an introduction to HTML and CSS fundamentals, enabling you to create basic web pages and style their appearance. The section includes coding examples and practice tasks.
===== HTML & CSS: Interview Preparation =====
This section focuses on interview preparation for HTML and CSS, covering common questions and answers relevant to front-end development.
===== Exam: HTML, CSS, Servlets, Web Filter & Web Server =====
This section includes an exam task, testing the combination of HTML, CSS, Servlets, Web Filters and Web Server knowledge.
This section introduces Java Server Pages (JSP), covering their usage, integration with JSTL (JSP Standard Tag Library), and the creation of custom tags. The concepts are complemented by illustrative examples.
Web Application Design Patterns
This section covers common web application design patterns, including MVC (Model-View-Controller) and layered architecture, illustrating how they aid in creating efficient and maintainable applications.
===== Web, Servlets, JSP, JSTL in Java: Interview Preparation =====
This section is designed to assist in preparing for interviews related to Java web technologies, including Servlets, JSP, and JSTL, by providing a series of questions and answers covering common topics.
===== EXAM: JSP, JSTL, MVC, Layered Architecture, Custom Tags =====
This section features an exam question that combines knowledge of JSP, JSTL, MVC, layered architecture, and custom tags to test practical application skills.
Data Access Software Design Pattern
This section dives into connection pooling, explaining its role in efficient database interactions and detailing implementations using different connection pools (DBCP, C3P0, HikariCP) and Tomcat's JNDI-based approach.
OWASP Top 10 2021
This section covers the OWASP Top 10 2021 vulnerabilities, providing a comprehensive guide on the most critical web application security risks and mitigation strategies. Each lecture focuses on a different threat, from broken access control to injection flaws and insecure design principles, with explanations of real-world attacks and best practices.
OWASP API Security Top 10 2023
This section focuses on the OWASP API Security Top 10 2023, offering in-depth coverage of the top API security vulnerabilities and how to mitigate them. It covers different vulnerabilities, like broken object level authorization, broken authentication, and insecure design. Each lecture features both theoretical and practical aspects.
Logging in Java
Learn effective logging techniques for Java applications to facilitate debugging, monitoring, and security auditing. This section compares Log4j, Logback, and SLF4j, showcasing their use cases and best practices.
===== EXAM TASK: OWASP Top 10, Secure Coding & Logging =====
This section tests your understanding of the OWASP Top 10 vulnerabilities, secure coding practices, and efficient logging mechanisms through an exam task and its solution.
ORM, JPA & Hibernate
This section explores ORM (Object-Relational Mapping), specifically focusing on JPA and Hibernate, covering entity management, relationships, query creation, and advanced techniques like caching and efficient query optimization. Practical exercises reinforce learning.
===== ORM & JPA: Interview Preparation =====
This section helps prepare for interviews by offering a comprehensive range of questions and answers related to ORM, JPA, and Hibernate frameworks.
===== EXAM TASK: JPA & Hibernate =====
This section showcases an exam task and its solution for testing your skills on JPA and Hibernate.
Spring Core
This section introduces the Spring Framework, covering its core concepts: Inversion of Control (IoC) and Dependency Injection (DI). Lectures demonstrate various approaches to configuring Spring beans using XML and annotations, with accompanying practical exercises.
Spring MVC & Spring for WEB
This section delves into Spring MVC for web application development, covering controllers, model handling, request processing, and exception management. Lectures emphasize building practical web applications using Spring MVC.
===== EXAM: Spring Core & Spring MVC - Online Shop =====
This section presents an exam task involving the creation of an online shop application using Spring Core and Spring MVC, testing the integration of both frameworks.
Spring Security
This section explores Spring Security, showcasing how to secure web applications using authentication mechanisms and role-based access control (RBAC). Lectures demonstrate setting up login forms, integrating database user authentication, and implementing advanced security features.
===== EXAM: Spring Security - Online Shop =====
This section features an exam task, challenging you to integrate Spring Security into an online shop application.
Spring Data
This section introduces Spring Data JPA, a simplified way to interact with databases using JPA. Lectures provide practical guidance through coding examples.
===== EXAM: Spring Data JPA - Online Shop =====
This section includes an exam exercise focused on utilizing Spring Data JPA within an online shop application.
Spring JDBC
This section introduces Spring JDBC, demonstrating how to interact with databases using Spring’s simplified JDBC template approach. The section includes practical examples.
===== EXAM: Spring JDBC - Online Shop =====
This section tests practical Spring JDBC skills with an exam task centered around an online shop application.
Spring AOP
This section introduces Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP) using Spring and AspectJ, showcasing practical applications and techniques for enhancing code modularity and maintainability.
REST Architecture
This section explores RESTful API principles, including designing efficient and scalable APIs. The section covers the design aspects and practical implementation using Spring MVC, complemented by API testing with Postman.
Spring Boot
This section introduces Spring Boot, simplifying Spring application development with auto-configuration and starter dependencies. Lectures walk through creating a basic Spring Boot project, using starters, and configuring application properties. The section also covers Spring Boot Actuator for monitoring applications.
===== EXAM: Spring Boot, Spring Framework & REST API =====
This section culminates in an exam focusing on the integration of Spring Boot, Spring Framework, and RESTful API development.
===== Spring: Interview Preparation =====
This section offers a range of Spring framework-related interview questions and answers, preparing you for diverse job interview scenarios.
This section introduces OpenAI's capabilities, laying the groundwork for integration with other technologies and providing examples.
OpenAI API: ChatGPT Model
This section covers ChatGPT, the OpenAI large language model, emphasizing API usage, request/response handling, and effective practical applications. Lectures showcase building web applications with ChatGPT, including advanced techniques like function calling.
Web Hosting at Home
This section teaches how to set up a web server at home to host your projects.
GPT + Slack Integration
This section demonstrates the integration of ChatGPT with Slack, enabling conversational interaction and automated tasks. Lectures will explain setting up Slack applications, webhooks, and effective context management.
This section provides an introduction to Jira Software Cloud, emphasizing its role in project management and software development workflows.
GPT + Slack + Jira + Gmail Integration
This section demonstrates building a comprehensive system integrating ChatGPT, Slack, Jira, and Gmail for automated project management and communication.
Manage a Scrum Team with ChatGPT
Learn how to manage a Scrum team more effectively using ChatGPT.
DALL-E - Text to image AI Model by OpenAI
This section explores DALL-E, OpenAI's image generation model, focusing on API usage and practical examples of generating images from text prompts.
Whisper - Speech to text AI model by OpenAI
This section explains the Whisper API by OpenAI and demonstrates its use in transcribing audio.
UML Introduction
This section introduces the Unified Modeling Language (UML), a standard for visualizing software design.
Behavioral Diagrams
This section covers various UML behavioral diagrams, providing a comprehensive understanding of how to visually represent system dynamics and interactions. These include Use Case, Sequence, Activity, State Machine, Communication, Timing, and Interaction Overview diagrams.
Structural Diagrams
This section focuses on UML structural diagrams, which describe the static structure of a system. This includes Class, Object, Component, Package, Deployment, Composite Structure, and Profile diagrams.
Code Review Fundamentals
This section introduces the fundamentals of code reviews, providing guidance on effective processes and best practices.
Tools, Automation, and Industry Best Practices
This section discusses various tools for code review and analysis, including Checkstyle and PMD, and explains automation techniques for better code quality.
Advanced Code Review Strategies
This section covers advanced code review strategies, including guidelines, feedback methods, security considerations, and scalability principles. This section focuses on best practices for constructive and effective code review.
Metrics & KPIs to Monitor and Control Software Development Process
This section provides a comprehensive understanding of key metrics and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to monitor and control software development. This includes a discussion of various metrics, including technical debt, code complexity, test coverage, and code review efficiency.
Misc (conferences, general lectures about programming etc)
This section includes supplementary materials that are relevant to the overall course content such as various discussions on programming languages and career guidance.
Bonus section
This section contains additional bonus materials to supplement the core curriculum.
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